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What is

Ethical Hacking?

The Certified Ethical Hacker (C|EH) credentialing and provided by EC-Council is a respected and trusted ethical hacking program in the industry. Since the inception of Certified Ethical Hacker in 2003, the credential has become one of the best options for industries and companies across the world. The C|EH exam is ANSI 17024 compliant, adding value and credibility to credential members. It is also listed as a baseline certification in the US Department of Defense (DoD) Directive 8570 and is a NSCS Certified Training.

Today, you can find Certified Ethical Hackers working with some of the finest and largest companies across industries like healthcare, financial, government, energy and much more!





Importance of

Ethical Hacking?

In the dawn of international conflicts, terrorist organizations funding cybercriminals to breach security systems, either to compromise national security features or to extort huge amounts by injecting malware and denying access. Resulting in the steady rise of cybercrime. Organizations face the challenge of updating hack-preventing tactics, installing several technologies to protect the system before falling victim to the hacker.
New worms, malware, viruses, and ransomware are primary benefit are multiplying every day and is creating a need for ethical hacking services to safeguard the networks of businesses, government agencies or defense.

Types of

Ethical Hacking?

It is no big secret that any system, process, website, device, etc., can be hacked. In order to understand how the hack might happen and what the damage could be, ethical hackers must know how to think like malicious hackers and know the tools and techniques they are likely to use.

Types of


Hackers are of different types and are named based on their intent of the hacking system. Broadly, there are two main hackers – White-Hat hacker and Black-Hat hacker. The names are derived from old Spaghetti Westerns, where the good guy wears a white hat and the bad guy wears a black hat.


Phases of

Ethical Hacking

Planning and Reconnaissance:

The first step in ethical hacking is to define the scope and goals of a test as well as the testing methods to be followed. It also addresses intelligence to understand the potential vulnerabilities and how a target works. The prospective footprinting is made through search engines, web services, social network sites, DNS, email, network, etc. by using footprinting tools.


In the second step, scanning is performed to understand how a target reacts to various intrusion attempts, in two ways – when the application’s code is static and when the application’s code is functioning. The later is the most practical way to understand the application’s performance in real-time.

Gaining Access:

This is a crucial step where the web application is attacked using SQL injections, cross-site scripting, backdoors, etc. to find the vulnerabilities and then exploit them by stealing, intercepting traffic, and interfering privileges to understand the amount of damage that it can cause.

Maintaining Access:

In this step of penetration testing, the vulnerability is used as a persistent presence for a long duration in the infected system in order to steal sensitive information or to spread inside the network, quickly gaining access to the server.


The final stage of a penetration test is to compile the result by analyzing and commenting about the vulnerabilities exploited, access to the data, and the amount of time that the tester can remain unnoticed in the system.

The various phases listed above form part of EC-Council Certified Ethical Hacking Certification program. In the first 6 modules, our CEH program teaches how to reconnaissance, scan, enumeration and its techniques and vulnerability analysis. In further modules of CEH, you can learn Malware Threats, Sniffing, Types of Hacking including social engineering, and DDoSEvading IDSFirewalls and Honeypots, SQL Injections, Hacking web servicesmobile IoT, and more.

Read more about the Five Phases of Ethical Hacking

Benefits of

Ethical Hacking?

The primary benefit of ethical hacking isto prevent data from being stolen and misused by malicious attackers, as well as:

Discovering vulnerabilities from an attacker’s POV so that weak points can be fixed.

Implementing a secure network that prevents security breaches.

Defending national security by protecting data from terrorists.

Gaining the trust of customers and investors by ensuring the security of their products and data.

Helping protect networks with real-world assessments.



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    Types of Ethical Hacking
    White Hat Hacking Tools

    1. Thank you I will try to full fill your requirement

  2. very very helpful.. i was doing machine learning but now i am going to try ethical hacking... we all want more like this... please continue and next blog should be about fingering lady please....


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